Dhyana Slokam

దంతకల్పలతాపాశరత్న కుంభాంకుశో జ్జ్వలామ్

బంధుకకమనీయాభం ధ్యాయేత్ క్షిప్రగణాధిపమ్!!

Danthakalpa lathaapasa rathna kumbham kusojjwalaam

Bandhooka kamaneeyaabam dhyayeth kshipra ganaadhipam !!

Lord Ganapathi is the lord of intelligence, removes obstacles and gives success in life. Ganapathi is worshiped before any other deity and prior to any important event. Kshipra Ganapati is regarded as the 10th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati.

The Sanskrit word ‘Kshipra’ denotes quickly and immediately. True to his name Kshipra Ganapati is regarded as the one who answers prayers, gives rewards and blessings to the devotees immediately.

Kshipra Ganapati is red in color. He has four hands, holding a broken tusk, a wish-fulfilling tree Kalpa Vriksha branch, a noose and a pot of jewels or precious stones, known as Ratna Kumbha. Shukla Paksha Chaturthi of Bhadrapada month is the birthday of Ganapathi. The birth anniversary of Lord Ganapathi is celebrated as Ganesh Chaturthi.

Special days to worship Ganapathi:
  • Chaturthi Tithi of Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi
  • Chaturthi Tithi of Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi. If Sankashti Chaturthi falls on Tuesday it is called Angarki Chaturthi and it is considered highly auspicious.
  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays are considered auspicious days
Benefits of Worshiping Kshipra Ganapati:

Performing Kshipra Ganapathi pooja yields instant results

  • To overcome financial difficulties
  • To reach high levels in career
  • To remove malefic effects of planets in horoscope
  • To acquire more knowledge
  • To overcome obstacles, difficulties, threats and risks in life
  • To attain peace of mind from mental worries
  • To remove obstacles in spiritual journey