Origin details

Varahi devi was born from the Ahankara(Pride) of Sri Lalitha devi and the fifth of the matrikas hence known as ‘Panchami’, she is also known as Dandanatha, is the supreme commander of Sri Lalitha tripurasundari’s divine force, she played a pivotal role in killing Vishanga(brother of Bandasura) in the battle against the Asura Bandasura mentioned in Lalithaopakhyanam (BrahmandaPurana).

Vaarahi Devi , after being satisfied with tapasya(penance) and severe austerities of the demon king Hiranyaksha(the golden eyed one) gives him a boon. The demon asked Mother Varahi that he should become king of the whole world, and that no one other than mother Varahi should kill him. As a second boon even mother should not kill him. Mother grants him this boon, fully aware of the loophole. He becomes invincible and causes havoc. He plunders everything of value from the creatures of the world. He appropriates the Vedas and scriptures. The earth was submerged into the ocean.

The devas run to Sri Maha Vishnu and seek his help to kill Hiranyaksha. Lord Vishnu prays to mother Vaarahi who resides in manidweepam. Mother Varahi blesses Vishnu with her power and, Vishnu transforms into lord Varaha to kill Hiranyaksha. It is the power of Mother Varahi in a male form of Varaha that killed Hiranyaksha. Thus fulfilling the boons of Hiranyaksha that only Mother Varahi should kill him and she should also not kill him.

Devata Significance

Varahi, the Goddess of the earth and the epitome of courage and valor has the face of a wild boar. She in her white complexion is also known as “SWETHA VARAHI”, having six hands she holds Shankha and Chakra in two of them, in two she holds a Dhandam and Plough as a sign of punishing evil and giver of anything & everything from earth, other two hands Vara and Abhaya mudra as a sign of boon giver and protection.

Special days for Pooja:
  • Ashada Navaratri (Varahi Navaratri) is an auspicious time for worshiping Varahi Devi.
  • Amaavasa (New moon).
  • Pournami (Full moon).
  • Panchami – From the 5th day of Amavasya (new moon).
  • Ashtami – From the 8th day of Amavasya (new moon).
  • Sashti – Sixth day from waxing or waning moon.
  • Dhasami – From the 10th day of Amavasya (new moon).
  • Dhwaadasi – From the 12th day of Amavasya (new moon).
Key benefits of worshipping:
  • Removes all the problems and obstacles one faces in their life.
  • Protect us from bad karma, past sins, black magic, and bad vibrations.
  • Solves all legal and land-related issues.
  • Removes fear and provides courage, success, and victory.
Key slokas:

Varahi Dvadasha Nama – (Very powerful twelve Names of Varahi, the one who recites the names will be protected and an invisible diamond shield aura will form around reciter).

Panchami, Dandhanatha, Sangyetha, Samayeshwari, Samayasanketa, Varahi, Pothrini, Shivaa, Varthali, Mahasena, Agnachakreshwari and Arigni

  • Panchami – The fifth Devi, the fifth of the seven matrikas, also she is the power behind sadashiva as his Anugraha shakthi
  • Dandhanatha – Commander in chief of the armed forces of Sri Lalitha
  • Sangyetha – Secret coded
  • Samayeshwari – Goddess of the path where there are rules and restrictions
  • Samayasanketa – Secret code on the Puja path, since she confers on us the understanding the meaning and the philosophy behind every act in the puja
  • Varahi – The Divine power behind the Varaha avatar of Sri Vishnu.
  • Pothrini – Boar-faced, boar has the ability to float and swim in waters, she has the ability to keep her devotees afloat and steer them in the world.
  • Shivaa – Auspicious.
  • Varthali – Goddess of speech.
  • Mahasena – Holds and controls the great army
  • Agnachakreshwari – Goddess of the ajna chakra
  • Arigni – The remover of the enemies and upholder of rules.